About Us
Frequently Asked Questions
The General Fund
How do I apply for a grant?
Contact the national office at 816-561-5955. See How We Process Grants for an overview of the process.
Is there an application?
No, but in order to evaluate your case we must talk to you by phone and ask questions specific to your situation and your practice of Christian Science.
How quickly can a grant be processed?
Most grants are processed within 24-48 hours. Some take longer.
I would prefer that my case not go to a Local Committee. Is that okay?
Please tell us about your concerns when you call.
If my case goes to a Local Committee is everyone going to know about my situation?
Confidentiality is of primary importance to us. Only the National Office and the Local Committee Administrator will have your name and the case details that you provide. Using a case number, the Administrator will pass on to the Committee only the details required for good decision-making.
How much information do you need from me?
A brief description of the background for this particular need is helpful, but lengthy rehearsals of the problem tend to cloud rather than clarify. (See Church Manual 47:18.) We love hearing as much as you would like to share about how you’re approaching the challenge metaphysically! It is helpful to have specific cost information; for example, if a car repair is needed, what are the estimates?
If I provide references, what are you going to ask them?
When we call a reference, we identify ourselves by our role with The Principle Foundation and then typically ask one or two direct questions such as, “Can you verify that ___ is a member of your branch church? Can you describe his attendance and/or participation?” Often practitioners are given as references, but we do not need to know and will not ask about the practitioner-patient relationship. Our typical question of a practitioner (and most other references) is, “Do you know this individual to be a practicing Christian Scientist?”
Why do you only fund Christian Scientists?
We are primarily interested that our grants support a requester’s demonstration of Christian Science. While humanitarian aid is important in our society, it is not the sole purpose of our grants.
Why are you called The Principle Foundation?
Throughout her writings, Mary Baker Eddy, the discoverer and founder of Christian Science, frequently pairs Principle and Love, such as “the divine Principle, Love.” Our Foundation is based on that Principle, Love which cares for us all.
If I receive a grant, how is payment made?
We pay most grants by direct deposit. We also have the flexibility to pay by check and by wire transfer (if a need is especially urgent). Funds will typically show up in your bank account in 2-3 days. We usually make payments directly to a practitioner, auto repair shop, utility company, etc. For our US granting programs, we do not send funds outside of the US.
What information do you need for direct deposit?
- Type of account: checking or savings.
- 9-digit bank routing number.
- Your account number.
Is there an appeal process if my request is not granted?
Do you make loans as well as grants?
We do not make loans. Grant assistance from The Principle Foundation is an expression of unconditional love. It is meant to alleviate a burden, not increase it. We consider grants to be an investment in the demonstration of Christian Science. The “pay back” is healing that blesses all mankind.
Will you pay monthly or ongoing expenses?
No. The Foundation gives short-term, one-time grants with the expectation of complete healing. We do not give grants that will extend an otherwise unsustainable arrangement.
Is it possible to get more than one grant? What if it's been a long time since my last grant?
When there is evidence of spiritual growth, we may consider a subsequent grant.
Do I have to work with a Christian Science practitioner to receive a grant?
No, but if the demonstration is not complete, including supply, why wouldn’t you seek the best help available?
Do I have to be a member of The Mother Church or a branch church to apply?
No, but we consider church membership and activity to be indicators of an individual’s sincerity. We also find that active church membership promotes spiritual growth and reflects that spirit of giving and receiving so necessary and evident in the operation of the “divine economy.”
If I am receiving medical treatment am I eligible for a grant?
No. We are primarily interested in our grants supporting a requester’s demonstration of Christian Science. The Principle Foundation does not provide financial assistance to individuals who, by choice, rely on medical care in whole or in part.
What are your parameters around United States residency and international requests?
Except for the International Fund for Christian Science Nursing (which is a separate program), we do not send grants outside of the United States. We also do not fund any travel outside of the U.S. You do not need to be a U.S. citizen, but you must be residing in the United States to be eligible for a grant from the General Fund.
May I make a grant request on someone else's behalf?
This is possible under circumstances where an individual has given us permission to work with his or her personal representative.
Disaster Relief
What kinds of expenses are covered by Disaster Relief grants?
In the event of difficulties caused by natural disasters (fires, floods, tornados, etc.) our Disaster Relief Fund is available to help with such things as
- Temporary lodging, gas, food, clothing
- Moderate grants for structural repairs, insurance deductibles, furniture, and vehicle needs
- Short-term compensation for lost income due to a disaster
Do you help Christian Science branch churches?
No. Our grants are for individuals. The Mother Church may be able to provide aid for branch churches. Branch churches may apply for assistance at benevolence@csps.com.
Is there a time limit on when a disaster relief request can be made?
No. You may apply whenever the need occurs.
May I donate to a specific disaster?
Contributions to the Disaster Relief Fund are used wherever there’s a disaster-related need. We have not found it practical to restrict funds to just one event. If, after two years, donations to the Disaster Relief Fund aren’t used, they may be transferred into The General Fund. This helps us exercise good stewardship over our funds.
What do you classify as a disaster?
Certain widespread “acts of nature” such as floods, tornados, fires, extreme cold or heat, a “pandemic”, etc. may qualify as a “disaster.” The situation does not need to be a nationally-declared disaster to be eligible.
How quickly are disaster relief funds dispersed?
If we have the required payment information, requests are generally considered within 2-4 days and funds may be dispersed within another 2-3 days.
Prison Ministry Assistance
What kinds of grants are covered by the Prison Ministry Assistance?
- Prison inmates may request a grant for Christian Science publications, including the Christian Science Sentinel, Science and Health, and other books and magazines
- Those inmates who are practicing Christian Scientists may request a grant for needed basic personal items
- When an inmate who is a practicing Christian Scientist is released from prison (a returning community member or RCM) we may help with basic reentry.
Can a relative or friend of the inmate request a grant on behalf of the prisoner?
Generally, no. As with all of our grants, the request must come from the requester.
How do you submit a request?
- Send a letter to:
Prison MInistry
The Principle Foundation
10670 Barkley St
Overland Park, KS 66212-1861 - Send an email to: prisonministry@principlefoundation.org
How does The Principle Foundation work with Christian Science state and local institutional committees?
We partner with these committees to support the needs of prisoners.
What is The Principle Foundation’s relationship to Embraced:Fully?
- We are the fiscal sponsor for Embraced:Fully and provide administrative and accounting support to that program.
- We partner with Embraced:Fully to help with arrangements to support recently released Christian Scientists.
Can I donate specifically to Prison Ministry Assistance?
Not at this time. We provide Prison Ministry Assistance from our General Fund, and you may always donate there. You also may donate directly to Embraced:Fully by noting that on a check or using the drop-down on our online donation page.
Christian Science Nurse Gratitude Fund
Who is eligible to apply?
Those who have been listed as a Christian Science nurse in The Christian Science Journal for at least 10 years.
In addition, applicants must:
- Be at least 65 years old
- Be a member of The Mother Church
- Be a US resident
Who receives grant money?
Applicants who meet all the criteria listed above, and are also able to show a financial need by providing basic information such as their household income, assets, housing costs, etc.
Do I need to wait until I’m 65 to apply?
Can I apply if I’m not yet retired?
Yes; we hope you will.
What if I want to continue working as a Christian Science nurse?
Please apply anyway. The Fund is intended to honor and acknowledge the work of Christian Science nurses, and we want you to keep on serving just as long as you’re led to.
Where can I find the application?
In addition to the application, what kind of documentation is required?
- Most recent IRS 1040 (if you file)
- Social Security Benefit Verification Letter (if applicable)
- Durable or Financial Power of Attorney (if someone is applying on your behalf)
What if I don’t have that documentation?
Please let us know so we can try to help you get it.
When will I be interviewed?
Generally, within a week after we receive the application and all of the supporting documents.
What will the interview cover?
- We’ll clarify the information on your application.
- We also want to learn more about you and your practice of Christian Science nursing.
How long should I allow for the interview?
Please allow 15-30 minutes.
If I receive a grant, how and when will the payment be made?
- Direct deposit into your bank account
- In most cases, these deposits will be made monthly
How is this program funded?
By donors who love Christian Science nursing and have contributed specifically for this purpose.
How long will this fund continue?
It will continue through 2025; beyond that, the funding is not guaranteed.
Is the grant taxable income?
The Principle Foundation does not provide tax, legal or accounting advice. It is our understanding that need-based financial assistance is considered a gift under Section 102 of the Internal Revenue Code. In general, charitable assistance to individuals is not taxable; rather it is considered a gift. Accordingly, The Principle Foundation will not report this need-based financial assistance to the IRS on Form 1099 or any other similar tax form.
What if I have more questions?
Call anytime or send an email. We’re here to love, honor, and express gratitude to Christian Science nurses, so it’s our job to make the application process as easy as possible. 816-759-5459 | gratitude@principlefoundation.org.
Local Committee Volunteering
What do Local Committees do?
The primary activity of our Local Committees is to respond to requests for financial assistance that come to the Foundation’s General Fund from that area. Local Committees also help spread the word about The Principle Foundation.
How do I know if there's a Local Committee in my area?
Click here for a map showing the locations of The Principle Foundation’s Local Committees
How do I join or start a Local Committee?
Call 816-759-5457 or email volunteer@principlefoundation.org and we’ll put you in touch with the Local Committee in your area or work with you on starting a new one.
How can I volunteer?
There are currently 23 volunteer Local Committees of The Principle Foundation serving 24 states. We invite you to consider joining an existing Local Committee or starting one in your area.
What are the requirements for starting a new Local Committee?
Local Committees are composed of a minimum of three dedicated students of Christian Science who agree to operate in accord with the policies and procedures of The Principle Foundation’s Board of Directors and National Office. Committee members must be members of The Mother Church and should be active members of their branch churches or societies.
How many cases does a Local Committee take in a year?
The number varies depending upon the region and how many grant requests we get. It may be as few as three in a year or more than ten.
What happens if I, as a Grant Administrator, personally know a requester?
You can let the National Office know, and then discuss how to handle it.
Do Local Committee members know the names of requesters?
No. All names and identifying facts are kept confidential. Only the Grant Administrator knows specific names.
How much of my donation goes to benevolence and how much to administrative overhead?
The IRS Form 990 is a public statement of The Principle Foundation’s annual income and outflow. In 2022, we reported that 92% of the funds we received were directly related to program expenses. Only 8% was related to administrative overhead.
Are there any outside evaluations of The Principle Foundation as a non-profit?
Yes. See our evaluation on Charity Navigator.
What forms of payment do you accept?
Check, cash, credit card (VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover), and PayPal.
How do I stop or change an automatic monthly donation?
Please contact us at accounting@principlefoundation.org or by phone at 800-826-7756 and ask for the Accounting Manager, who will make the change immediately.
What are the established funds that I can support financially?
Please click here for a list and descriptions.
May I donate to a specific person or for an additional purpose?
No. The Principle Foundation does not accept pass-through contributions and accepts donations only to its established funds.
How do I make a gift in honor or memory of someone?
If paying by check, please include the person’s name on the memo line. If paying online, there is a box you can check, and then you will be asked to provide the person’s name.
Will you notify the family if I make a donation in memory of someone?
Yes. If the family has requested that gifts be made to The Principle Foundation, we will typically have their contact information, and if we don’t have it, we’ll get it. If you have contact info for the family member who should be notified of your contribution in their loved one’s name, please share that with us.
Will you notify the individual if I make a donation in honor of someone?
Yes. Please provide us with his or her contact information–either email or mailing address.
If I am an attorney, trustee, executor, or personal representative, who should I contact regarding a trust or estate?
Please contact us at accounting@principlefoundation.org. Alternatively, you may call 800-826-7756 and ask for the Accounting Manager who will be happy to work with you.
Do you accept gifts such as stock?
Yes. Please contact us at accounting@principlefoundation.org or by phone at 800-826-7756 and ask for the Accounting Manager who will be happy to work with you.
Can churches donate to The Principle Foundation?
Yes. Many churches and societies contribute to the General Fund, Disaster Relief Fund, or to one of our Local Committees that serve specific regions of the country. Some churches have set up automatic recurring donations.
Other Questions
Do you provide grants for Christian Science branch churches?
No. Our grants are for individuals. The Mother Church may be able to provide aid for churches. Branch churches may apply for assistance at benevolence@csps.com.
Can a friend or relative apply for a grant on behalf of someone else?
Not usually, but exceptions may occur.
Is the Principle Foundation a part of The Mother Church?
No. We are an independent organization designated as a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit. However, in certain cases, we partner with The Mother Church, as well as other Christian Science organizations, to help someone in need.
How is The Principle Foundation funded?
We are supported primarily by contributions from Christian Scientists who want to help their fellow Christian Scientists. Both individuals and Christian Science organizations donate. We do not have an endowment, but we expect needs to be met since divine Love supplies all good at all times.
How did The Principle Foundation start?
A Christian Scientist named Walter LaSalle began this work in the Kansas City area in the 1950’s. He was so grateful for a physical healing he had experienced, that he wanted to give back. See our history here.
Will my information be shared outside TPF?
No. All information is confidential within TPF and its affiliates described on this website.