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Our History

About Us

Our History

The initial seed for The Principle Foundation was planted in 1958 by a Kansas City businessman, Walter C. LaSalle. Still dealing with the effects of a World War II injury, LaSalle was told by his doctor that he could do nothing more for him. He turned to Christian Science — and was quickly healed.

LaSalle searched for a way to express his gratitude for this healing. He saw the way forward when an experienced Christian Scientist encouraged him to help some fellow church workers needing assistance. Several friends and acquaintances observed the value of such work, and they joined him in forming The LaSalle Foundation.

From the beginning, he tailored his response to each individual situation. He looked for opportunities to help others while honoring their responsibility to meet their own challenges.

Walter LaSalle

Enjoy a 10-minute video from Doris Goff

Growing into “The Principle Foundation”

In 1967, the Foundation’s Board renamed the organization to The Principle Foundation.

LaSalle continued his work of helping others until his passing. In 1983 the Board hired a full-time Executive Director and established a permanent national office in Kansas City. Burwell Harrison, an experienced Christian Scientist from New Jersey, became a Board member, helping guide the Foundation to continue — and to develop the spiritual basis of the work.

Interest in the activities of The Principle Foundation began to spread, leading to the formation of local committees in many communities throughout the US.

The Principle Foundation Today

Still headquartered in the Kansas City area, and under the governance of a Board of Directors, the day-to-day operations of the Foundation are carried out by a dedicated staff. Working together, the staff and the local committees respond to requests from Christian Scientists for financial assistance. This includes requests for help with the effects of natural disasters and to serve students of Christian Science in jail or prison.

The Principle Foundation has more recently expanded its outreach. New activities in the past decade include the National Fund for Christian Science Nursing, the International Fund for Christian Science Nursing, the Christian Science Nurse Gratitude Fund, and Caring for Christian Scientists — an information resource available both online and over the phone.

Continuing in the tradition of Walter LaSalle, the staff still considers each case individually. And it is always our goal to help whether or not we offer a grant.

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