Disaster Relief
Financial Grants
“Thou art my hiding place; thou shalt preserve me from trouble…”
— Psalms 32:7
Disaster Relief
Help We Provide
In the unusual event of difficulties caused by disasters, our Disaster Relief Fund is available to help with such things as:
Immediate needs after a disaster. We may provide funds for basic necessities such as temporary lodging, gas, food, clothing, etc.
Rebuilding a home. We will consider modest grants for structural repairs and insurance deductibles. In addition, we may also consider support for vehicle or furniture replacement.
Short-term compensation for lost income in the aftermath of a natural disaster. We may be able to provide modest grants for inability to work due to: power outages, road blockages, business closures, or other situations.
Individuals vs. Organizations
While The Principle Foundation can assist individual Christian Scientists, it cannot offer financial help to organizations (including churches). The Mother Church, however, may be able to provide disaster relief assistance for branch churches and societies. Branches are encouraged to contact The Mother Church at benevolence@csps.com to apply for assistance.
Giving and Receiving
To Receive Help…
To request financial assistance if you’re impacted by a natural disaster, call us at
To Give Help…
There are two ways to donate to our disaster relief fund:
Donate here online
Send a check to:
The Principle Foundation
10670 Barkley Street
Overland Park, KS 66212-1861
Write “Disaster Relief” in the memo line