The Call Center
“And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and while they are yet speaking, I will hear.”
— Isaiah 65:24
Caring for Christian Scientists
CALL CENTER 800-930-3797

The Call Center provides help over the phone with practical assistance options for Christian Scientists. Our representatives are available to help you think through a situation, provide information, and point to resources you might explore for yourself or a loved one.
- Topics include housing, Christian Science care, help at home, Medicare, finances, and advance directives.
- We respond to calls several hours a day. Our team members are Christian Scientists well-versed in both Christian Science and general resources that might meet the caller’s need.
- We usually respond to voicemail messages within 24 hours.
- All conversations are confidential.
Sample questions discussed
with the Call Center
Are there Christian Science communities where I can live — independently or with assistance?
Can a Christian Science nurse help my mom? What do they do?
I want to stay in my own home, but need a little help. What are some options?
Is there assistance available to help me pay for Christian Science nurses?
How can I make my home simpler to maintain?
How does Medicare work for Christian Scientists?
My family would like to express our heartfelt gratitude for your donation towards our recovery from Hurricane Helen. This support is a beautiful extension of the Christ in bountiful action!
My heart is filled with gratitude for the loving support for our family. The grant to help with our Hurricane Helene recovery is greatly appreciated and will speed our recovery from this event. The quick response to our request and compassionate conversations to understand our need is so appreciated.
The financial gift provided significant relief from the expenses of our home repair after the storm in early June. We are strengthened by this proof of how our trust in the love that comes from God is manifested in meeting every human need. Thank you for being the outward expression of that love!
I want to thank you for the grant to repair flood damage to our lower level. We were able to pay the required down payment to start the work and a second required draw. Thank you for making that possible.
We humbly thank you for your generous gift to us in support of our repairs and cleanup following Hurricane Beryl. The work was successfully accomplished with these funds.
This grant arrived after I was mandatorily evacuated from the approaching wildfires. I see it as an indication of support from my fellow Christian Scientists. As the wildfire was getting near, I was reminded that it is only a house — that my home is always with me. I’m making that distinction now in my thinking and it has helped.
Thank you for helping me replace my fence blown down by Hurricane Ian. I so appreciate the loving assistance.
The joy I have for the support of our Christian Science community and the peace of knowing all my needs are already met, is certainly felt and known in my heart. As I move forward on my journey with the renewal of my home, I know there will be many opportunities for progress. With God nothing is impossible.
I was raised in Christian Science, and yet there I was in this place of darkness. Today, the load seems lighter, the view clearer, and the ability to move forward possible.
I feel like a “bystander” sitting on the sidelines watching God prepare a room for me in His many mansions. I am extremely grateful to have what appears to be the most pressing immediate needs taken care of. I am confident that the divine economy is at play here, not mine!
This has helped in rededicating my study and concept of substance, which, as Mrs. Eddy states, is incapable of decay (or discord) or any kind of diminishment and is, truly, spiritual. The financial grant helped keep the home and farm out of potential foreclosure. With deepest gratitude to God and our movement.
This has been a humbling and progressing time for me. God’s provision and tender care has been so visible and unwavering. Onward and upward.
When “all else fails” is what mortal mind wants us to think, but the one Mind, which fills all space, wraps us all in the arms of Life, Truth, and Love and we are free to feel God’s presence. When we know the absolute nothingness of mortal suggestion, we feel at rest.
I’ve had a profound transformation over the past six months and I now have confidence that God is meeting our every need. I don’t have to fear a door being closed, because another way comes through loud and clear. The financial gift is evidence of that. This feels like a “time out of time” to let something come forth — a new birth perhaps!
In these days, I am especially re-dedicated to progressing spiritually and helping our church progress and support the community with better outreach to those seeking Truth. This is our time to shine as Christian Scientists and I am grateful for the support that allows us to progress on this path as a light in the community and world.
I have been deep in my “closet” these days . . . studying, reading, writing, praying, and learning so much about the infinite bounty of Spirit. This gift is an expression of that bounty as well as an expression of the thoughtfulness, generosity, alertness, and so many other spiritual attributes of my fellow Christian Scientists.
I’m deeply grateful for this blessing for myself and family! Yes, we have a renewed sense of vigor, vibrancy, and joy. We are feeling the unselfed love, support, and buoyancy the grant represents. With love and boundless gratitude.
I am truly humbled at how God provides a table for us in the wilderness, if only we reject the ravings of fearful mortal mind, put away false pride, and turn wholeheartedly to God as the source of our supply, not questioning or doubting how our material needs will be met.
The help in meeting my immediate need is so deeply appreciated. I had no savings due to intense family issues over the years where I was able to help bless those in need — so, it is so poignant for me to be on the receiving end of your love and support at my time of healing.
The Inn in the Good Samaritan’s story is a spot of quiet respite, to breathe in the inspiration of Truth and Love. It’s a place to feel His tender care and warm embrace that enables me to exhale the healing presence which awaits my awakening to this fact of my being. I feel the assurance that “He cares for me past measure!”
We are treating this not as a time of anxiety and fear, but rest and realignment of purpose with the divine.
“To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, today is big with blessings!” Thank you so much and someday I will return the favor.
I am filled with gratitude. One thing I have been working on during my recent prayer has been to include, “how may I serve?” when I am leaning on the Sustaining Infinite for assistance, guidance and answers.
It is during challenging times (that we never want to repeat) that we seem to grow the most. This growth, through better understanding God’s loving care for all, enables us to help not only our family, but our community — and the world.
This is the highest paying job I’ve ever had, even though I don’t make any money! Whenever we get a case I think, “Good, I get to see where this applies to my own experience right now.”
I come away from each committee meeting bursting with a renewed desire to pray for my fellow man, and to be more aware of the needs in my church and community.
What I love about being on a local committee is being able to provide fellow Christian Scientists with practical assistance.
I'm learning what benevolence means by applying this Manual By-Law to the work: "God requires wisdom, economy, and brotherly love to characterize all the proceedings of the members of [our local committee's grant team]!
We see each requester as desiring to work out their need from a spiritual perspective, always acknowledging the ever-present goodness and provision of divine Love. Committee members listen to discern the real need and prayerfully address the claim in their own thought.
My experience on a LC has led to my spiritual growth by affording me opportunities to apply the healing truth to impositions that have come to my thought. All are reciprocally blessed by engaging in this work.
Benevolence is always present, and wise, and good, but many times it turns out to be expressed quite differently from what one may originally expected it to be.
Serving on a local committee puts one onto the fast lane of spiritual growth filled with gratitude. It is patterned as that of the "pattern of the mount" — principled, inspiring, healing, and blessed!
LC work has taught me that benevolence must involve growing spiritually, and with Christly love that uplifts and inspires both the giver and receiver.
What I most love about volunteering for TPF is the opportunity to help fellow Christian Scientists on their path to understanding the true source of supply.
Being a local committee member has taught me that the need is never money, although money may help get a person through a rough spot while they figure out that the need isn’t money.
The force of our metaphysical work is felt by more than just the requestor. We've seen neighborhoods stepping in to help the requestor where the needs were many and overwhelming, with every need met; where committee members were hours away by car, but the benevolence was there where needed.
What I love about the work is that it's the “practice” even though we might not officially be listed in the Journal; we are “in the practice” and we experience the results.
What I love about working with a Local Committee is sharing powerful statements of Truth and Love as we prayerfully work through each case.
Being on a Local Committee supports the requester to find their already available abundance. In fact, the requester is validating their worth by asking for help.
This work has taught me how to look at our requestors more spiritually — not with pity, but with expectancy of lifting up our fellow man. In the story of Noah and the Ark, the ark was kept up, up, up, as the waters were flooding more. When we seem to be flooded with troubles, we’re actually being lifted above life's challenges.
A holy life takes work. It is God’s work — and our work. We owe it to God, ourselves, our families, and our victims, to do the hard work of cleaning up our lives and our spirits. We don’t do it because it’s easy. We do it because we’re faithful.
I would like to say, ever since starting my journey of Christian Science and studying with the local prison ministry group and then beginning a mentorship, I have felt more love and support than ever before in my life. It has revealed the truth to me of God’s infinite support of abundance and love.
No matter if you are behind bars or out on the street, you do not have to feel alone at the Christmas season. I am drawing closer to God. I fellowship with Him the best I can and thank Him for the birth of His Son. In the new year I will keep Him first in my life all year long.
In seeking an expression of gratitude recently, I considered how I’m woven into a beautiful garment of Love and caring — of community and family — of blessings. Reflection manifests expression in myriad ways . . . it’s something to ponder.
I see the work God is doing for me. I have gone from walking around with a mean look on my face to a smile, filled with happiness. Now that Love has filled me, I can share it with my fellow inmates. My daughter has seen change as well — she says I’m starting to grow up!
Now, I don’t do any of the things I used to do before I messed up and went to prison. And it’s because I’ve come to the truth — to the realization of what Christ is all about. Christian Science helps me to cast out erroneous thoughts by putting God first in everything I do.
I am learning the difference between love and Love. You can’t imagine the peace that I have received by releasing the bonds on myself and my used-to-be enemies and giving love instead of hate. I no longer talk to a “man in the sky” when I pray. I feel his presence in everything around me.
I now take time to say I love everyone, whereas before I was very selfish. Christian Science has ignited my life/heart in ways I cannot express in words. Today I have the missing pieces to the puzzle that has healed my heart. Love, peace, and happiness flows through my days.
Each year I feel elevated to becoming a better person. Miscellaneous Writings says “I find that the “Spirit of truth” will teach us all things if we will but practice well what we know.” I know and love the truth.
A lot of things happened while I was in prison that proved there’s no denying the reality of God and Jesus. I’ve been in violent situations and I called on the Lord every single time. But I never got beat — not once in a life-or-death situation. And I believe it’s all because of God.
When I share Christian Science perspectives with other prisoners, I emphasize that we already possess the traits we desire. We just have to acknowledge the spiritual, inspired qualities that are our inherent nature. We only have to recognize that.
[Christian Science is] so refreshing. When I read how God is love, God is spirit, God is not corporeal, I’m like “wow, I’ve always felt that way: like God was all things and everywhere and inside of me. Jesus says “the kingdom of God is within you” and it was brought to light by Christian Science.
Christian Science educated me on the nature of God. He is in almost everything. God is every minute all around. And I started understanding that I wasn’t alone. Even here in prison I wasn’t alone. God was always steady with me — I just had to recognize his presence in my life.
We are tempted to think that we are dependent on ourselves, that we are self-sufficient. We may go through this phase of thinking, only to learn that we are completely dependent on God. We are guided, guarded, governed by divine Mind, divine Principle, God.
People ask me how I made it through prison? I made it through with Christian Science — by knowing spiritual reality (knowing God as well), and all the stuff around me became illusion. I knew that the kingdom of God was within me and I didn’t have to be so intimidated by what was around me.
Three years ago, my doctors told me I was sick with leukemia. I was consumed with worry. Since coming to CS, my health has had a total change. The more serious I got with God, with MBE, the better I felt. I have overcome the sickness. The past year the cancer has been undetectable.
I heard about a Christian Science meeting in the prison. You know what I found there? It was a peace that I have never experienced. It just came over me and I relaxed and I felt like I should be there. I just love “Footsteps of Truth.” That’s my favorite chapter — it tells the truth.
I was going through a down spell, and I said to myself: “Look, something has to change.” So I picked up Science and Health and started reading — and I got a feeling of peace and home. The way the book explained the question and the answers, she made it into something I could really understand.
I had a couple of healings through Christian Science when I was locked up. My knee was hurting real bad around 2010. I prayed on it and one of the CS volunteers prayed for me also. I was pretty sure it was going to be a permanent situation, but now I can run, jog, do everything with no pain.
I am renewed in the spirit of my mind daily. You have to remember that not one word of God is going to fall to the ground — not one word! That’s a principle that I use daily.
As I have been given freely, so shall I give. I will offer what I possess: love, kindness, and good deeds. I believe our true calling is to embody and share Christ’s love, a love that is divine, filling every space with glory and light. That, in itself, should suffice.
Love has indeed poured me out a blessing and I have received it with heart-felt gratitude. The grant not only paid my rent, but has given me a sense of release, allowing me to move forward in pursuit of other avenues for income. I am knowing that “the fullness of His promise crowns every dawning day...” (Hymn 65)
We are so grateful for this grant for vehicle repairs and furnace fuel. It helped to “unburden” us some, so that we can continue our work in Science with a lightened mentality. The helpful thoughts and love expressed were very much appreciated.
Love, kindness, and generosity answered our prayers and gave us hope when we were being challenged like never before. We have “awakened from the dream,” and are looking forward to a blessed holiday season with a roof over our heads and food on our table.
As a Local Committee member [of The Principle Foundation], it was unexpected to find myself a requester — a good opportunity to feel the same humility, spiritual listening, and expectation of good from the situation I was facing: in this case, unexpected car repairs on the heels of a canceled work contract. All is well.
My “rebellious” teen has had a complete transformation this week. He was in the midst of a severe challenge, and he asked to call a beloved practitioner to pray — and was healed. He has seemed to have gone through two dark years, but there is now a fresh, open, new humbleness and sweetness about him.
It means a great deal to me that others’ unselfish contributions have helped me in my need — and all the others in their need.
I am once again reminded that God's child is abundantly supplied, and as such I gratefully bless and receive all the channels through which it is manifest, Thank you for your role in showing me comfort and provision in our Father-Mother's name.
The words of hymn 278 "Cared for, watched over, beloved, and protected" and I have added “provided for” are
bringing me such encouragement and comfort that the wonder of God's love is a tangible reality to me.
I had been laid off, was unemployed, mortgage payment due, and turning to God for supply. I’m grateful to say that I recently accepted an offer, it’s a great fit, and I will have a paycheck by July. So grateful.
Usually catching a fish involves a series of steps: getting the boat ready, getting the net ready, catching the fish, cleaning the fish, cooking the fish — before one can finally enjoy the fish. Well, in Christian Science this is not how it works. Needs are met. Supply is given and available immediately.
Each year I choose a word to pray with. A few years ago, when financial difficulty began, I started praying and knowing of God's “superabundance” and knew that I would be cared for and would not lack!! This year my words were “expect and allow.” My word for 2024 is “supply” and here I sit being filled with supply!!!!
It has been a journey of truly learning to TRUST and KNOW of God’s eternal presence. When knowing this, I can be confident of being in the right place and that my needs are and will be met. This is the “open fount” from which I am drinking, the never-ending supply with which to feed me and many others!
My wife’s health has taken an amazing turn for the better. She gets stronger every day, and we are both making enough money now to meet our needs. We know that joy is appreciation . . . and we would be remiss in not recognizing and giving thanks for God’s angels and ambassadors.
What a beautiful, practical proof of Love’s specific, tender mercies. One all the more meaningful because it is full of inspiration and comfort during this seemingly challenging time. It is a gift which I have no doubt will continue to be both humbling and galvanizing.
One thing which I always know is that when we walk our path with God, Divine Love, each forward step His grace supplies and human tumult falls aside for those who trust in Him.
My understanding of Christian Science and the truth of being grows daily, hourly, each moment. While it’s the prayerful support that is most meaningful and sets a standard for my own practice, there’s also no denying how breathtaking the practical assistance is.
I rejoice with you as my vision gets clearer of the absolute love and care God has for all His children – and His firm but gentle demand for proof of undivided loyalty and a complete reliance on Him.
The attributes of God are “justice, mercy…” and I have realized what a potent combination that is. Justice and mercy go hand in hand. It means that the Truth is both seen as true and felt as right. I’m so grateful to the Christian Scientists who band together to support each other through this conduit.
I was raised in CS — and Truth always seemed obvious and easily accessed — yet here I was in this place of darkness. I have much work to do, but today, with this help, the load seems lighter, the view clearer, and the ability to move forward possible.
Real joy doesn’t look like winning the lottery. Real joy looks like sitting back and being grateful for the good that’s already there.
I feel like a bystander on the sidelines watching God prepare a room for me in one of His many mansions. I am confident that the divine economy is at play here, not mine. What I most need is "growth in grace” and to demonstrate its omnipresence in my life through patience and meekness.
I am deeply grateful for the help with moving my piano to my new home. It is comforting to know that God will always be my constant companion and that I am a part of Love’s divine adventure. What a proof of divine Love always meeting every human need.
We were led with a clear message in mind: any grant received would come with it a responsibility to be stewarded with discerning wisdom. That is, to know that this gift was indeed a “stop at the inn” and not the ultimate destination on our journey to demonstrating God’s unlimited supply.
We are working with the thought that we cannot outline what that supply may look like in our experience, as it comes with infinite expressions. In that spirit, we know we have all the tools needed to recognize the right idea, as we see God (not any human source) as the ultimate meeter-of-needs.
God's love and resources are limitless — and as His/Her child, all my needs will be met in abundance. When man no longer labels the material sense of himself or others, Truth will reign and the perfection of our being as God's perfect child will be revealed. All is well.
My thought is relieved from feeling concern and uncertainty. My heart is singing with renewed vigor, action, and joy as I continue my journey Spiritward!
I am grateful for the supportive brotherhood of Christian Scientists that this grant expresses. I will indeed be renewing my desire to trust the unfolding of a greater understanding of supply as straight from Spirit, Soul.
When I am ready to plant my garden yearly, all I have is what seems to be a few handfuls of inert seed. To material sense, who would ever think those handfuls would yield such bounty in a few months? It's all an uplifting reminder that no material laws have power — and Love/Principle, is All-in-all.
I’m honored to feel a part of the CS movement because of its brotherliness and active pursuit of universal goodness. Helping others and seeing their need is the most beautiful thing, reflecting the Father's ever-present love. I truly feel blessed and encouraged to go on.
I’m thankful for the spiritual reinforcement this aid represents for those turning to God in prayer for healing. I’m most grateful for the spiritual progress made and for an ever-expanding understanding of God and our relationship to Him.
The streams of Love are definitely pouring. I’m grateful to accept.
As I reached a quiet, peaceful moment, I knew that no matter what happens, I could never be separated from God. It came to me that this was a great opportunity to be humble and listen for God’s direction. There was one thing I held on to: God is right here and I can never be out of His presence.
The greatest employment of all is working for God, and I know he will place me wherever I can do the most good.
This has been a humbling and progressing time for me. God’s provision and tender care has been so visible and unwavering. Onward and upward.
The grant is a support in lifting off beliefs of limitation and lack — and in accepting good. Defeating beliefs of aging is a daily demonstration, striving to express normalcy, freshness, and God-given spiritual qualities . . . growing in spiritual understanding and trust in God’s continual care.
Having the extra helps to hold at bay worry and concern and has shown to me, even more clearly, that God's tender care is always present and provides whatever is needed. It's also been fun to be able to share some with others when their needs were greater than mine.
I now live in a new, low-income apartment building, and I am so grateful that it was available. The neat thing about living in this community is my contact with diverse people. When I take walks with my grandson, it is hard to describe the joy and the light that he is bringing to the community. This grant has been a forward move to give me purpose and joy — and to live it in new and different ways.
"All is under the control of the one Mind, even God." We hear statements like this, but we don't really think about them. Now this statement about God’s control has such fresh, new, beautiful meaning for me!
In moving to [subsidized housing], I needed a new car for the freeway driving but I was able to pay it off this year! I am grateful that I now spend time in study, church, CS Institutional work and [local] activities without worry. After 20 years of CS nursing and a bankruptcy-driven failed pension plan from my previous career — I'm experiencing a miracle of Love's supply!
I was able to apply the additional income to a lovely one-bedroom apartment, since after my husband’s passing my younger son asked if I would consider relocating closer to him and be a regular part of my grandchildren’s lives. I happily said yes, and I have permission to share nuggets of God’s love, care, protection, and guidance with my grandkids.
I just want to express my gratitude for the Foundation’s part in giving “a cup of cold water” to bless and be blessed. I can’t thank Divine Love enough for abundant supplies.
I am so grateful for having the extra help with paying my high rent and monthly bills. This has opened my heart to always remember the truth of Divine Love and not to live with a fearful mind, but a Divine Mind — to always live with the knowledge that with God all things are possible and there are no limitations or lack with God.
Sincere thanks for your continued support of Christian Science Nurses. Deep appreciation for all who work tirelessly to lift us up in thought. As Isaiah assures "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint."
This gift to nurses honors our mission and provides an opportunity to focus on our spiritual growth and our true sense of supply which is gratitude. The grant has provided monetary ease in my yearly subscription to JSH-online and the Quarterly Bible Lesson — grateful for this gift to nurses for their years of serving our Christian Science movement.
The example of the Good Samaritan is giving me the strength I need to see God very close to me, meeting my human needs. Christ Jesus gave us this spiritual Law: GIVE, AND IT SHALL BE GIVEN UNTO YOU.
I’m finally understanding that "I and my father are one." I'm genuinely moving from sense to Soul, from matter to Spirit. I'm beginning to know what practicing CS means. That's why we call Christian Science a practice. It's practical, not pie in the sky. I can finally wake up and not be afraid.
Feeling the gratitude for my work is quite heartening and it also encourages me to aspire to continue the quest to grow spiritually, experience healing, and contribute to the welfare of family, church, community, country and all mankind. I have been taking turns to be the practitioner of the month which is joyful and much appreciated.
The greatest gift is knowing that I am not seen as limited or aging — but limitless, valuable, priceless, and ageless. This spiritual expectancy for all of us recipients and the individual engagement is really meaningful.
The Christian Science nurse came less than a week ago and helped a lot. What the CSN did was very needed. What a wonderful help! I am very grateful for the loving care I have received
- From Germany
Thank you, Love, for supplying all our needs! I keep singing this hymn: “Make channels for the streams of Love, that they may freely run.” I’m also holding on to the thought that there are no obstructions to Love’s flowing streams, which pour out easily whenever and wherever needed.
- From Germany
I am very grateful for this great assistance! The walker arrived today in very good condition and does what it promises: it's light, comfortable, and easy to maneuver.
- From Germany
All good is coming from God! This year I was blessed with a lot good: prayerful work with a practitioner which already brought success in healing, a modern walker, and a Christian Science Nurse who comes in at least once a month to lovingly help me with necessary errands.
- From Germany
Christian Science is filling my life with light. I am learning (and this is great progress for me) that healing really depends on looking in a spiritual direction. The last part of my progress has been to recognize that my true vision is: “That which can see what God has done.”
- From Spain
This support is noticeably helping a grantee in Germany: she has gained more determination and self-confidence in claiming her right to be completely healed by God. She recognizes the work of God in much of her experience and in His love for his people.
- From Germany
Christian Science nursing is helping this grantee to come out of a difficult mental place. Within three months, she went from not going out at all to being part of her community, attending church services again, and regaining a better sense of normalcy in life.
- From Germany
This Grantee has had a more settled period, surrounded by a team of exceptional, loving Christian Science nurses and a practitioner. She is actively involved in church activities and metaphysical work every day. A period of discomfort has now gone completely.
- From the UK