How a Local Committee Works
How a Local Committee Works
A Local Committee is a small team of Christian Scientists who work with The Principle Foundation (TPF) to make grants to individuals requesting financial assistance for basic needs. They assist requestors in a specific location — a city, a state, or a region of the US. Committee activities include handling 5-7 requests a year, attending two brief business meetings annually, and spreading the word about The Principle Foundation in their Christian Science community.
An LC must have at least three members: a chair, a grant administrator, and a secretary. All are expected to be members of the Mother Church and an active member in a branch church or society — and to be relying on Christian Science for healing.
How the Granting Works:
The Local Committee approaches a grant request from a spiritual sense of abundance and an expectation of healing. Though it never takes on the role of a Christian Science practitioner with a requester, the committee will pray about the request and may offer inspired metaphysical ideas to the requester.

After a request is received at the national office, a TPF staff member sends it to the Local Committee’s Grant Administrator (GA).
The GA interviews the requestor by phone. Next, the GA shares the basics of the request (anonymously) with the LC members, and then brings together the members to discern if a grant is warranted.
When a grant is made, the GA informs the recipient and works with TPF to make payment arrangements. When a grant is not made, the GA contacts the requester to let them know.
Spreading the Word
Local Committees also reach out to churches and individual Christian Scientists in their area to remind them how the Foundation can support sincere students of Christian Science. This may happen through one-to-one conversations, or a Local Committee can work with the national office to sponsor a workshop for their Christian Science community.
Would you like to join or form a Local Committee?
If this sounds like something you’re being called to do, please reach out to us. We’d be happy to talk with you. A few existing committees currently need additional members and there are several states/regions where our Foundation would love to help support the formation of a new local committee. Please contact us at (816) 759-5457 or at
Where Local Committees are Located
Look at the map to see where committees are currently operating (dark blue states) and where there is a need (light blue states). For more information, please contact us at (816) 759-5457 or at