
“As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.”
—John 15:4

“...we are come, in humility, to pour out our gratitude to God and to bear witness to the abundance of salvation through His divine Christ.”
—Mary Baker Eddy

— How we work —



The following expressions of gratitude are shared with permission.

left quote Thanks to your “token of love” that was sent to me, I was able to meet my financial obligations completely! Not only was I grateful for the financial support but also the letter that was sent with the check. I read it over and over taking in its message, and it renewed my efforts to complete the demonstration on my own. [MORE] right quote
left quote You, like the Samaritan, came to my rescue “where I was” at the time. This was a beautiful unfoldment of love that I will always cherish. right quote
left quote I want to thank all who had a role in this demonstration. The friend who knew my situation and lovingly told me about The Principle Foundation and suggested that I contact you. The Principle Foundation staff who were helpful and kind. The local committee administrator who was so responsive and caring. [MORE] right quote
left quote Please accept my heartfelt thank you ... for a recent payment on behalf of [patient]. The support and encouragement The Principle Foundation provides Christian Scientists working for healing is invaluable. This aid helps to relieve fear, stress, worry, concern for the future, etc. Needless to say, the removal of such impositions furthers the healing process considerably. right quote
left quote This experience has enlarged my growth in Christian Science. As I read the [Bible] Lesson and rejoice in my prayerful work I am finding PEACE. right quote
left quote I am seeing boundless unfoldment of supply since we last spoke. New projects, new life and fruition from old projects. When I received the support of TPF I knew there was new light in my consciousness. I am so grateful. Thank you so much. right quote
left quote I was so impressed how quickly [the administrator] had responded to the situation! right quote
left quote I am writing to thank you and The Principle Foundation for the generous gift which enabled me to have the repairs made on my car. All of the framework was successful and, therefore, resulted in the completion of the annual state inspections. [MORE] right quote
left quote Thank you for your financial support – & even more – for your prayers. Every time I asked [the administrator] to request metaphysical support from the committee, I felt lighter in spirit & often some amazing event happened. right quote
left quote I am writing to express my gratitude for helping me with the CS Practitioners fees. When I contacted the Principle Foundation, I was in dire need of financial assistance. I was experiencing many physical challenges that seemed to overwhelm me. Fortunately, the CS Practitioner arrested that thought and worked me with patiently to see me through recovery. [MORE] right quote